Think of this blog as a tear sheet you would pull from a mag and keep as a reference to new ideas or flagging something you wanna remember about fashion, beauty etc.

And sometimes it is just my thoughts on whatever!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So most of you know I just opened a shop. I am excited and things are going well. Business is up and down and its about getting the word out at this point. Now that I have the shop filled with cute stuff, I am focusing on getting some advertising and networking my ass off on the internet. Any help is soooo appreciated! Good karma for all and I love networking you and your cause as well.


  1. Rad. Once people realize you'r there, you're going to blow up!

  2. Yay! So happy you started a blog! I will blast it everywhere for you:) It is going to be fabulous...just like your shop!!! Look forward to all your posts!
